ELG 5125 (92.525O) [Call Number 92525 150]

Quality of Service Management for Multimedia Applications (Home page)

School of Information Technology and Engineering, University of Ottawa, Fall 2005

Calendar description: Design principles: layering, protocols, interfaces; models for open distributed processing; real-time requirements; request-response and stream processing, real-time scheduling, design for performance and scalability; other quality of service issues; user perspective versus system performance parameters, cost/performance trade-offs, negotiations; adaptive and mobile applications; examples of multimedia applications and protocols.

Home page: This web page is at <http://beethoven.site.uottawa.ca/ELG5125/ >. Course information, course notes and other important information will be placed here.

Professor: Gregor v. Bochmann , phone: 562-5800 ext.: 6205, e-mail: bochmann@site.uottawa.ca , office: SITE building (room 5082), office hours:  Wednesday 11:30 to 12:15 or by appointment (please send me an e-mail stating when you would like to meet)

Lectures: The classes are normally on Tuesday from 18:30 to 21:30 in room SITE 4004 (original schedule: Tu & Th 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM  in room F-0126 )

Course description  --  Schedule (NEW)

Course notes and pointers to reading material

Student projects (pointers to the Powerpoint presentations will be provided)

Example exams: Mid-term exam from 2003,  Final exam from 2003   (Note: The topics in the course and their order may be somehow different this year)

Temporary Notes:
Last updated: September 26,  2005